Posts Tagged Mags

The Believer – The 2011 Music Issue

The Believer’s 2011 Music Issue comes with an interesting CD of new work by contemporary composers, compiled by Ross Simonini.

Great music I would never have found by myself, since I only started listening to the classics recently and still have a long way to go before I will grow tired of all beautiful things composed with that seventy-year period. And when all is digitalized and categorized on my iPod, one should get an extra hard drive and extend the classical music period to 1910. Why 1910? That is exactly the point of Ross’ accompanying article.

The CD introduces a range of artist that do not make classical music in a classic sense as they are not from the 1800’s and do not wish to preserve the classic sounds & structures, nor do they make it their mission to stretch boundaries – a feature found in many modern tunes.

Isn’t it a bit old fashioned to enclose a CD with Mag? Yes, lovely though.. works perfect with my car stereo. Plus we all know that a disc is the perfect medium for sharing goods; I will hand over the disc to my brother this afternoon.

Wouldn’t it be great if The 2012 Music Issue comes with a free download? What about a Mag section at the Booktunes site? I see a new goal here…


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Favorite App & Mag – Mitchell & Eno

Mc Sweeney’s Small Chair, our favorite app, just pushed a conversation with Brian Eno and David Mitchell to my iPhone. Mitchell takes off with some good questions, and thinks that Eno’s sound painting results in ideal writing music. What about his new tunes?

Halfway now and I just found out that this text originally appears in the the 2011 Music Issue of The Believer Mag. Ordered it immediately… will keep you posted!


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